Legal notice

Compulsory information as per German Telemedicines Act Section 5
and Broadcasting Treaty Section 55:
DG pharmaSolutions GmbH
Tal 15
80331 München

Represented by managing director:
Doris Göllner
Telephone +49(0)89 2441654-20

Registered with
Munich District Court, HRB 171183
VAT identification number as per German Sales Tax Law Section 27a: DE 258091613
Person responsible for content as per Broadcasting Treaty Section 55 Para. 2
Doris Göllner (address as given above)

The pharmacists at DG pharmaSolutions GmbH are members of the Bavarian Chamber of Pharmacists (Bayerische Landesapothekerkammer, Maria-Theresia-Strasse 28, 81675 Munich).

The professional title of “pharmacist” was granted in the Federal Republic of Germany.

The code of conduct of the respective Chamber of Pharmacists applies to practising pharmacists. The current code of conduct can be found at

The content of this website has been compiled with utmost care. Nevertheless, no liability can be accepted for the accuracy, completeness and currency of the information provided. In accordance with general legislation, we, as service providers, are responsible as defined by German Telemedia Act (Telemediengesetz, TMG) Section 7 (1) for the content offered on our website. As service providers we are not obliged, however, under the definitions of TMG Sections 8 to 10, to monitor third-party information which is transmitted or saved, or to investigate for circumstances that could indicate unlawful activity. Obligations to remove or block the use of information in accordance with general legislation hereby remains unaffected. Any liability in this respect may only be assumed, however, as of the moment at which a specific violation of the law becomes known. Should we become aware of any legal violation, the content in question shall be removed immediately.

Liability for links
This website contains links to the websites of third parties, the content of which is beyond our control. Therefore, we accept no responsibility for any such third-party content. The respective provider or operator of the linked web pages is responsible for the content provided therein. When first including the links, the pages were checked for potential legal violations. No such violations were identifiable at the given time. Ongoing monitoring of the linked pages is not feasible, however, without specific evidence of a breach in the law. Should any legal violation come to our attention, we shall remove such links immediately.

The content and concepts presented on these pages by the operator of the website are subject to German copyright law. Any reproduction, processing, distribution or use in another manner beyond the scope of copyright law is subject to the written agreement of the respective author or creator. The content of this website may be downloaded and/or copied only for personal use, and not for commercial purposes. Any content on this website not created by the site operator is subject to third-party copyright. Third-party content, in particular, is indicated as such. Should any copyright violation nevertheless come to your attention, we ask that you kindly notify us accordingly. Should we become aware of any legal violation, the respective content shall be removed immediately.

Data privacy
Our website can be used without having to disclose personal data. If personal data is collected through our website, it is done as far as possible on a voluntary basis. This information will not be shared with third parties without your explicit consent. Please be aware that security leaks are possible when transmitting data over the Internet. It is not possible to protect the data completely against third-party access.
We hereby expressly object to the use of the contact details published on this website within the context of the statutory information for the purposes of unsolicited advertising and information. The operator of this website reserves the right to take legal action in the event of such unsolicited advertising, such as in the form of spam mail.

Design and programming:
© Medien plus Design
Sona Gharami-Safaian

Copyright notice for images: